Three climatic zones can be defined: the Sahel, the Sudan-Sahel, and the Sudan-Guinea. [52] Ouagadougou International Airport closed and MPs suspended the vote on changing the constitution (the change would have allowed Compaoré to stand for re-election in 2015). Sankara launched an ambitious socioeconomic programme for change, one of the largest ever undertaken on the African continent. Burkina Faso has made immense progress in increasing rapid response and public health emergency management capacity. French is the principal language of administrative, political and judicial institutions, public services, and the press. Burkina Faso 3.3 Klima und Vegetation Das Klima ist tropisch-wechselfeucht mit einer Regenzeit von Mai bis September und einer Trockenzeit, in der der heiße Wüstenwind Harmattan Staub in … Insgesamt besteht sie aus sieben Anrainerstaaten, zu denen der Senegal, Mauretanien, Mali, Burkina Faso, Niger, der Tschad und der Sudan zählen. The value of Burkina Faso's exports fell from $2.77 billion in 2011 to $754 million in 2012. To finance the public deficit, the Government combined concessional aid and borrowing on the regional market. ©WetterKontor GmbH. Alle Daten entsprechen den durchschnittlichen Monatswerten der letzten 20 Jahre. Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) and Al-Mourabitoun, two groups which until then had mostly operated in neighbouring Mali, claimed responsibility for the attack. The Mossi claim descent from warriors who migrated to present-day Burkina Faso from northern Ghana around 1100 AD. In December 2018, Burkina Faso officially inaugurated its Public Health Emergency Operations Center (Centre des Opérations de Réponse aux Urgences Sanitaires, CORUS). Nachts kühlt es dann oft nur auf bis zu 27 Grad ab, es kann aber auch mal bis zu 17 Grad kalt werden. Burkina Faso zählt zu den ärmsten Ländern der Sahelzone und leidet besonders stark unter dem Klimawandel. Burkina Faso Klima. [117] The global food crisis of 2007–2008 was a drastic surge in food prices that led to high rates of hunger, malnutrition, and political and economic instability in nations across the globe. Jahres-Durchschnitt Die Umstellung in Burkina Faso würde jährlich mindestens 60 Millionen EUR kosten. Ouagadougou. [126], In 2013, Burkina Faso passed the Science, Technology and Innovation Act establishing three mechanisms for financing research and innovation, a clear indication of high-level commitment. [22] The BBC described the president as a "French-educated banker ... [who] sees himself as a social democrat, and has pledged to reduce youth unemployment, improve education and healthcare, and make health provision for children under six free of charge". Ouagadougou Klima und Durchschnittswerte für das ganze Jahr. [101] For instance, when natural disasters such as floods, droughts, or locust attacks occur and cause crops to fail, farmers in Burkina Faso become dependent on grain purchases. Det tropiske klima er Jordens varmeste. [171], On 8 July 2020, the United States raised concerns after a Human Rights Watch report revealed mass graves with at least 180 bodies, which were found in northern Burkina Faso where soldiers were fighting jihadists.[173]. Paul Kaba Thieba was appointed PM in early 2016. Flacher Binnenstaat mit tropischem Wechselklima. In the west, Mande languages are widely spoken, the most predominant being Dioula (also known as Jula or Dyula), others including Bobo, Samo, and Marka. [160], Attempts to develop an independent press and media in Burkina Faso have been intermittent. The move signals the government's intention to make science and technology a development priority. Its goal is to reinforce the capacities of service providers and institutions who are specifically involved in project implementation. Die Regenzeit und Trockenzeit wechselt sich in Burkina Faso regelmäßig ab. Sankara called on every village to build a medical dispensary and had over 350 communities build schools with their own labour.[15][46]. Die Stadt ist Sitz der flächenidentischen Stadtgemeinde (französisch commune urbaine) und des Départements Ouagadougou. Burkina Faso is a member of the African Union, G5 Sahel, Community of Sahel–Saharan States, La Francophonie, Organisation of Islamic Cooperation, Economic Community of West African States, and United Nations. Education in Burkina Faso is divided into primary, secondary and higher education. [97], These high rates of food insecurity and the accompanying effects are even more prevalent in rural populations compared to urban ones, as access to health services in rural areas is much more limited and awareness and education of children's nutritional needs is lower. RSP members Marcel Kafando, Edmond Koama, and Ousseini Yaro, investigated as suspects in the Norbert Zongo assassination, were convicted in the Ouedraogo case and sentenced to lengthy prison terms. Wie viele Menschen leben in Burkina Faso? The coup brought Sankara to power and his government began to implement a series of revolutionary programs which included mass-vaccinations, infrastructure improvements, the expansion of women's rights, encouragement of domestic agricultural consumption, and anti-desertification projects.[15]. [105], The Country Programme (CP) has two parts: food and nutritional assistance to people with HIV/AIDS, and a school feeding program for all primary schools in the Sahel region. over his close ties to the former president. Later in the day, the military dissolved all government institutions and imposed a curfew.[53]. Die Haussa-Ginsterkatze und das Warzenschwein leben im Süden des Landes, im Norden wohnt der Blassfuchs. Colonel Zerbo also encountered resistance from trade unions and was overthrown two years later by Maj. Dr. Jean-Baptiste Ouédraogo and the Council of Popular Salvation (CSP) in the 1982 Upper Voltan coup d'état. Its citizens are known as Burkinabé or Burkinabè (/bɜːrˈkiːnəbeɪ/ bur-KEE-nə-bay), and its capital is Ouagadougou. Dies führt nicht nur zu einem sehr heißen Klima das ganze Jahr über mit nur geringfügigen Temperaturdifferenzen. [47] After the coup and although Sankara was known to be dead, some CDRs mounted an armed resistance to the army for several days. [105] While recent harvest productions have improved some, much of the population is still having a hard time overcoming the continuous food and nutrition crises of the past decade. In der Regenzeit strömen warmfeuchte Winde aus dem Südwesten über das Land. There were 48 researchers (in full-time equivalents) per million inhabitants in 2010, which is more than twice the average for sub-Saharan Africa (20 per million population in 2013) and higher than the ratio for Ghana and Nigeria (39). Die Regenzeit liegt zwischen Juni und Oktober dauert zum Teil weniger als zwei Monate. In 1934, during French occupation, Dim-Dolobsom Ouedraogo published his Maximes, pensées et devinettes mossi (Maximes, Thoughts and Riddles of the Mossi), a record of the oral history of the Mossi people. Held every two years since 1988, the International Art and Craft Fair, Ouagadougou (SIAO), is one of Africa's most important trade shows for art and handicrafts (late October-early November, even years). In den Schutzgebieten leben aber noch Flusspferde, Elefanten, Büffel, Löwen und Leoparden. [129], In 2015, most of the population belonged to "one of two West African ethnic cultural groups: the Voltaic and the Mande. The crime was never solved. [102] Forty percent of infant deaths can be attributed to malnutrition, and in turn, these infant mortality rates have decreased Burkina Faso's total work force by 13.6 percent, demonstrating how food security affects more aspects of life beyond health. [158] The country's national team had its most successful year in 2013 when it qualified for the AfroBasket, the continent's prime basketball event. [122], The growth rate in Burkina Faso is high although it continues to be plagued by corruption and incursions from terrorist groups from Mali and Niger.[123]. Ouagadougou (WAH-GAH-doo-goo) er hovedstad i Burkina Faso.Byen er landets største by med sine 2.200.000 indbyggere. In der Nacht liegt der Durchschnitt bei 21° Celsius. Situated between 11°3' and 13°5' north latitude, the Sudan-Sahel region is a transitional zone with regards to rainfall and temperature. 37% des Landes werden als Wiesen-oder Weideland genutzt. [162][163], In January 1999, François Compaoré was charged with the murder of David Ouedraogo, who had died as a result of torture in January 1998. [110], Burkina Faso is faced with high levels of food insecurity. Terrorist activity primarily involves religious terrorism conducted by foreign-based organizations, although some activity occurs because of communal frustration over the lack of economic development. [97] Stunted growth as a result of food insecurity is a severe problem in Burkina Faso, affecting at least a third of the population from 2008 to 2012. Both the gendarmerie and the national police are subdivided into both administrative and judicial police functions; the former are detailed to protect public order and provide security, the latter are charged with criminal investigations. Predominantly farmers, the Mossi kingdom is led by the Mogho Naba, whose court is in Ouagadougou.[129]. Football is the most popular sport in Burkina Faso, played both professionally, and informally in towns and villages across the country. [162][163], Since the death of Norbert Zongo, several protests regarding the Zongo investigation and treatment of journalists have been prevented or dispersed by government police and security forces. The southwest of the country, on the other hand, forms a sandstone massif, where the highest peak, Ténakourou, is found at an elevation of 749 meters (2,457 ft). There is a supranational relationship between these organizations and their state members. Umweltgerechter Anbau von Baumwolle ist möglich, hat aber seinen Preis. Various ethnic groups of present-day Burkina Faso, such as the Mossi, Fula and Dioula, arrived in successive waves between the 8th and 15th centuries. Inflation remained low, 0.4% that year but the public deficit grew to 7.7% of GDP (vs. 3.5% in 2016). The Republic of Upper Volta was established on 11 December 1958 as a self-governing colony within the French Community and on 5 August 1960 it gained full independence with Maurice Yaméogo as President. Lage und Klima . Dann herrschen den Tag über durchschnittlich 40 Grad. De fleste tropiske områder har regntider, hvor der falder meget regn på kort tid. The Pioneers of the Revolution youth programme was also established. Burkina Faso is a member of the West African Economic Monetary Union (WAEMU) and the Economic Community of West African States. Estimate Range of Shia by Country, UN AIDS: HIV/AIDS – adult prevalence rate, Female genital mutilation and other harmful practices, "Globalis – an interactive world map – Burkina Faso – Central government expenditures on health", "WHO Country Offices in the WHO African Region – WHO | Regional Office for Africa", "UNDP Human Development Report 2007/2008", "Oxfam's Cool Planet – Food in Burkina Faso", "COUNTRY PROFILE OF SPORT AND DEVELOPMENT – Sport and Popularity", Burkina Faso: Governmental Broadcasting Agencies. The Gendarmerie Nationale is organized along military lines, with most police services delivered at the brigade level. The French designated its colonies as departments of metropolitan France on the European continent. In Burkina Faso herrscht wie in allen äquatornahen Ländern ein tropisches Klima. [109] The project's activities aim to build capacities of service providers, strengthen the capacity of food producer organizations, strengthen agricultural input supply delivery methods, and manage and evaluate project activities. In 2000, the constitution was amended to reduce the presidential term to five years and set term limits to two, preventing successive re-election. Roch Marc Christian Kaboré won the election in the first round with 53.5% of the vote, defeating businessman Zéphirin Diabré, who took 29.7%. Die Trockenzeit ist gekennzeichnet durch den trockenen heißen Wüstenwind, Harmattan, der von Nordost nach Südwest weht. Die Trockenperiode dauert etwa von Oktober bis April. Thomas Sankara, was appointed prime minister in January 1983, but subsequently arrested. It is, however, much lower than the ratio for Senegal (361 per million inhabitants). In Bobo-Dioulasso ist der wärmste Monat März mit 37° Celsius Tagestemperatur. in welchem Land? Sonnenstunden, Temperaturen, Niederschlag. The Mossi language (Mossi: Mòoré) is the most spoken language in Burkina Faso, spoken by about half the population, mainly in the central region around the capital, Ouagadougou, along with other, closely related Gurunsi languages scattered throughout Burkina. Burkina Faso lies within two terrestrial ecoregions: Sahelian Acacia savanna and West Sudanian savanna.[83]. Burkina Faso Klimazone Bobo-Dioulasso gehört zu der Klimazone Tropen. Die Regenzeit dauert normalerweise von Juni bis Oktober dauert. Die Trockenzeit ist gekennzeichnet durch den trockenen heißen Wüstenwind, Harmattan, der von Nordost nach Südwest weht. [120], Since 2000, nearly 2 million more people have access to water in the four principal urban centres in the country; the company has kept the quality of infrastructure high (less than 18% of the water is lost through leaks – one of the lowest in sub-Saharan Africa), improved financial reporting, and increased its annual revenue by an average of 12% (well above inflation). Starting on 28 October 2014 protesters began to march and demonstrate in Ouagadougou against President Blaise Compaoré, who appeared[need quotation to verify] ready to amend the constitution and extend his 27-year rule. In Garghin gibt es auf ein Jahr gesehen... Tabtenga. [141] According to the 2011 UNAIDS Report, HIV prevalence is declining among pregnant women who attend antenatal clinics. The massif is bordered by sheer cliffs up to 150 m (492 ft) high.