Hannover 1918 (Nachdruck Darmstadt 1998), Band 2, Sp. Balbo 16 ; Marc. Verr. Cic. Wörterbucheintrag Latein-Deutsch zu »iugerum«. Verr. In Verrem, II 1 [32] Nun muss ich mir die Zeit, die mir zum Sprechen gegeben wird, sorgfältig einteilen, weil ich vorhabe, den ganzen Rechtsfall darzulegen. Nostri consocii (Google, Affilinet) suas vias sequuntur: Google, ut intentionaliter te proprium compellet, modo … @ ~Cic:Verr_2.1'122-127,* '155-157. ii 4.5), who ‘sold’ it, under pressure, to Verres. 2.4.120 >>Cic. 2.4.126: 2.4.118. Rep. 1, 9, les recours qu’ils ont pour … Nos personalia non concoquimus. neque … * Read Cicero's account @ Cic:Verr_1'12, ~2.1'127-154. Vielzählige Übersetzungen und Werke Ciceros wie In Verrem, In Catilinam, Ad Atticum, Ad Familiares, Cato Maior De Senectute, De Amicitia, De Finibus, De Officiis, De Oratore, De Re Publica, De … 48 {? Verr. Its fate after Verres’ trial is … Index der in der Website angebotenen lateinischen Textstellen. December -R} Verres returns to Rome with a huge amount of booty, after the Sicilians ask for him to be replaced immediately by L.Metellus. Deshalb werde ich jene überaus schändliche und … * 31 … Foren-Übersicht » Übersetzungsfragen und -wünsche » Fragen zu einer Übersetzung (Latein - Deutsch) Alle Zeiten sind UTC Marcus Tullius Cicero, In Verrem II, 1, 31-33 1. 1.44. neque enim ullam aliam ob causam populus Romanus tribuniciam potestatem tanto studio requisivit; quam cum poscebat, verbo illam poscere videbatur, re vera iudicia poscebat. Hey, hab mal 'ne Frage, Hat irgendwer die Übersetzung von ciceros Text: mea quidem sententia omnis ratio vitae adiumenta hominum desiderat, imprimisque, ut habeat quibuscum possit familiares … 30 == Verres seeks to make a fraudulent profit from the restoration of temples, especially the temple of Castor, which has devolved to a boy called Junius. * Read Cicero's account @ Cic:Verr_2.1… F 4 Cic. Probably the most famous Hercules by Myron was atSamos (Strabo xiv 1.14). 25 ; illa perfugia, quæ sumunt sibi ad excusationem, certe minime sunt audienda Cic. 2, 5, 78, si tu disais... qui t’écouterait (te croirait) ? Ver. Ver. That city is so great that it may be said to consist of four cities of the largest size; one of which, as I have said, is that “Island,” which, surrounded by two … cf. Another was owned in Sicily by Heius (Cic. Cic. 486. Karl Ernst Georges: Ausführliches lateinisch-deutsches Handwörterbuch. @ Cic:Verr_1'12-15,* '56, _2.1'14, 2'169-171, 5'9-31, '40-41.