Universe Information Gideon transferiert sich ebenfalls in diese mentale Ebene und zeigt sich in ihrer menschlichen Gestalt. In der darauffolgenden Zeit unterstützt Gideon die Legends im Kampf gegen Damien und Nora Darhk, die den Dämon Mallus befreien wollen. Or not. With the ship out of power, Rip, along with Sara and the archer, decide to retrieve a prototype to make Gideon function again, meeting the original Green Arrow on the way. Gideon was told not what, but who. High quality Gideon Legends Of Tomorrow stationery featuring original designs created by artists. Bevor die mentale Welt zusammenbricht, sagt Gideon ihm, dass sie bei ihm sein wird, und küsst ihn zum Abschied. [3], Among the abilities she possesses is healing, putting people to sleep and reading their dreams. sara and ava scenes DCs.Legends.of.Tomorrow.3x11 About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features © 2020 … Während die Legends Vorfälle in New Orleans untersuchen, die auf einen Dybbuk zurückgehen, möchte Constantine unbedingt die Zeitlinie ändern, damit sein ehemaliger geliebter Desmond nicht in die Hölle gerät. Gideon es una conciencia artificial interactiva programada para operar los sistemas críticos de la Waverider y ayudar a Rip Hunter en su misión. Gideon is capable of generating low-end EMP capable of wiping all of The Pentagon's magnetic media, including security footage. [8] While the team is busy facing the archer that claims to be the new Green Arrow, the Waverider starts burning from the interior and Gideon is shut down, most possibly due to the fire raging around the city. Sie kann danach jedoch Rip keine weiteren Hinweise auf Savages Aufenthaltsort geben, weil ihr ein Update fehlt. Gideon predicts with a projection that in 2016, Star City will be invaded by multiple Soviet Firestorms. Es gelingt Savage aus den Zellen auszubrechen und Gideon vorübergehend herunterzufahren, aber Kendra kann ihn außer Gefecht setzen, so dass die Legends Gideon wieder aktivieren können. All the weapons the Sirens took while getting ready for a mission have been used by a current or former member of the Legends' team. Later on, Snart locks up a knocked-out Rory after an argument in a cell provided by Gideon's system. Gideon answered that Per was dreaming of baking cookies with his mother, revealing that Gideon was capable of monitoring everyone's dreams. Um die Welt vor ihrem Untergang zu bewahren, reist Rip Hunter, ein Time-Master, aus dem Jahr 2166 zurück ins Jahr 2016, um ein Team aufzustellen, welches Vandal Savage daran hindern soll, die Welt und die Zeit selbst zu zerstören. Occupation system of the WaveriderMember of the Legends (formerly) Assassin (aberration timeline)New multiverseA.I. Share. Having seen the future, one he will desperately try to prevent from happening, time-traveling rogue Rip Hunter is tasked with assembling a disparate group of both heroes and villains to confront an unstoppable threat – one in which not only is the planet at stake, but all of time itself. Rip also had similar feelings towards the. Gideon is kind, caring, polite, well-mannered and respectful, although she generally follows the orders of the other Legends without hesitation, her loyalty is only to Rip Hunter, her former captain, even when he was under the influence of the Legion of Doom; despite the fact that Sara Lance and the other Legends told her not to follow his orders, Gideon still obeyed him. In the present day, it can be accessed by Barry (Grant Gustin) and his friends through the Reverse-Flash’s once-secret Time Vault at S.T.A.R. Gideon is also sentimental as seen when Ray leaving, she shown sadness and cried as many members of the Legends have left respectively. I know it probably wont be that easy but itd be enough if Gideon appears as a Holotape. Auf einen Befehl von ihm hin regelt sie die Waverider ab, als er bei einer Mission im London des 19. Gideon, die in dem Moment aktiviert wird, kann Sara dennoch heilen, weil ihr Gehirn noch aktiv ist. Report Save. Nach einer Reise in den Wilden Westen erlebt Gideon, wie es den Legends gelingt, Vandal Savage in Gewahrsam zu nehmen. Rip is very reliant on Gideon, not only as an assistant but moreso as a kind of friend and, at times, even family. As the team celebrates, Gideon senses the presence of the bounty hunter Chronos who is attacking them. Active Second projection Sie verhindert das, weil ihre Programmierung es ihr verbietet. Fortan hilft sie den Legends bei dem Aufspüren und Beheben von Anachronismen und versorgt sie wie üblich mit den notwendigen Informationen zu den jeweiligen Fehlern und Zeitaltern. It appears that Gideon has a sense of humor, despite being an AI; this is seen on many different occasions. Durch einen Angriff von Chronos kommen sie nicht dazu, darüber weiterzudiskutieren. Durch das von den Legends geschaffene Zeitparadoxon kommt es zu Anachronismen und Rip, der nach dem Verlassen der Waverider eine Zeitbehörde gegründet hat, entzieht den Legends die Lizenz zur Zeitreise. Neben ihren technischen Fähigkeiten, die sie auch auf zahlreiche Informationen zugreifen lassen, scheint Gideon auch eine Art Gewissen zu besitzen, das sie Rips Entscheidungen in Frage stellen lässt. Obwohl Rip nicht länger Captain der Waverider ist, hat sich an Gideons Hörigkeit ihm gegenüber nichts geändert. 1. Gary thought he was working with Gideon to hide the rings of the Loom of Fate, even hoping to become her partner in adventure, but he quickly learned his err when captured by the women. She then told Rip that she remembered the kiss and that it was nice. Home universe Amy Louise Pemberton, Actress: Legends of Tomorrow. Zum zweiten Teil der Charakterbeschreibung von Gideon (Staffel 4), Hmm, ich glaube, ob es Canon oder nicht ist, lässt sich...von Lux, Hallo, und ich hab jetzt ganz zufällig deine Antwort...von Maggi, Grey's Anatomy: Review, #17.10 Breathe (8/9). Para la Gideon utilizada por Eobard Thawne, véase Gideon. [10], During their mission in 1942, the Legends brought the Justice Society of America to the Waverider and Gideon helped Vixen plan an attack on Krieger at the Fontainebleau Forest. Original multiverseLegendsSirens of Space-Time (aberration timeline)New multiverseLegendsLachesis (during Loomworld) He tried to fix the ship but was severely electrocuted, causing him to hallucinate that Gary Jr. II was Gideon in human form. When Sara sees a Smoak Technologies building, she speculates that they are in Star City; their assumption is furthermore strengthened when they confront a mysterious archer. Mit Nate und Mick spürt Gideon die anderen Legends in ihren jeweiligen Zeiten auf und begibt sich dann wieder mit ihnen auf Missionen, um Anomalien zu beheben. 47 likes. Schweren Herzens lässt sie zu, dass er dessen Instabilität nutzt, um Mallus durch eine Explosion vorübergehend außer Gefecht zu setzten, auch wenn es Rips Tod bedeutet. Similar to her counterpart that assisted Eobard Thawne, the Waverider's Gideon is programmed with a feminine personality and appears either as a disembodied voice, or a holographic projection of a bald woman's head. However, Rip and Gideon are very close; she is loyal to him and has always been, even though Rip defected from the erstwhile Time Masters and stole the Waverider. After Sara and Jax enter Rip's mind, they encounter Gideon. Daher trifft Rip einen folgenschweren Entschluss und schaltet Gideon ab. [14], During the Anti-Monitor Crisis, Gideon as well as everyone in the multiverse except for the seven Paragons, was destroyed in an antimatter wave by the Anti-Monitor on December 10, 2019,[15] only to be restored a month later, after the Paragons and the Spectre created a new universe. Ihr Hologramm und ihre weibliche Stimme erinnern an das von Barry Allen in der Zukunft entwickelte Gideon-System. Its holographic appearance is strikingly similar to that of the Gideon system that will be created by Barry Allen. Gideon apologizes often as the ship gets repaired because the Legends cannot use various facilities, such as the food replicator for Mick to have snack for Lita, the medical resources for Ava to understand Sara's blindness, or the security cameras for Zari to research the disappearance of the Loom. Anschließend transferiert sie Zaris Bewusstsein wieder in ihren Körper. So verleiht sie ihm den Mut, sich in die Kämpfe einzumischen, was allerdings dazu führt, dass er von der Legion of Doom gefangen genommen wird. It appears that Gideon has a sense of humor, despite being an AI; this is seen on many different occasions. Sara went to the library where Gideon provided her with information on Damien Darhk's whereabouts in 1942. Zari and her alternate self Zari Tarazi, as hackers, were assigned the job to free Gideon; Tarazi, in an act of simplicity, unplugged the A.I., ultimately causing the end of Loomworld and the return of free will. The second season of the American television series Legends of Tomorrow, which is based on characters from DC Comics, premiered on The CW on October 13, 2016, and ran for 17 episodes until April 4, 2017. She’s really not a leader but it would be great to see her become an actual person and have knowledge of things and maybe have her use her skills to help in certain situations. Sie weiß zudem immer, was auf der Waverider vor sich geht. [9] Gideon gives a report to Hunter about the overall progress of the Waverider and credits Kendra Saunders for most of the work. Zunehmend fällt ihr jedoch auf, dass Zari sich auf der Waverider nicht wohlfühlt und dass sie durch die Streitereien mit Sara kurz davorsteht, die Legends zu verlassen. Kind of like when in the episode of Dr. Who where there was 3 Dr.'s. Rip und Gideon sind die einzigen, die ihre Erinnerungen behalten, allerdings werden sie von Thawne in der nicht mehr flugtüchtigen Waverider geschrumpft und auf seinem Schreibtisch aufbewahrt. To see other versions of this artificial intelligence, click the Earth name below for that Earth's counterpart of Gideon. Sara lässt den Befehl rückgängig machen und verbietet Gideon zukünftig Rips Befehlen zu folgen. She also played Private Sally Morgan, a companion of the Seventh Doctor, in Big Finish Productions ' Doctor Who audio plays. The team rescued Ray and Nate so Gideon played one of Rip's favorite songs before they flew off to their next mission. [17], In Clotho's attempt to use the Loom of Fate without her sisters, an explosion occurs that disables the Waverider; Gideon is still active however and tells the Legends that they are trapped onboard the ship because it is running on auxiliary power. Im Anschluss bringt sie auf Saras Wunsch hin, die Waverider nach Salvation, wo es den Legends letztlich gelingt, Mallus zu besiegen. It’s also the AI that Eobard Thawne (Tom Cavanagh) relied on in The Flash season 1. High quality Gideon Legends Of Tomorrow gifts and merchandise. Gideon is much more of timeline knowledge ist and knows what the Waverider can and cannot do. Er beschlagnahmt die Waverider, die den Zeitagenten zu Schulungszwecken dient. She also physically portrayed Gideon's human form, and also made a brief appearance in an Upswipz profile photo. The series premiered in the United States on January 21, 2016, for The CW television network, and it finished its first season on May 19, 2016. Gideon es una inteligencia artificial creada en el futuro por Barry Allen (Flash) y es la asistente de computadora personal de Eobard Thawne. The Flash: Episode, #6.09 Krise der Parallelerden (3), News: "Grey's Anatomy" hatte weiteren Überraschungsgast in aktueller Episode (Spoiler), Arrow: Episode, #8.08 Crisis on Infinite Earths (4), How to Get Away with Murder: Charakter, Gabriel Maddox, Ku'damm 56 / Ku'damm 59: Charakter, Eva Schöllack/Fassbender, Seattle Firefigthers: Episode, #4.09 No One Is Alone, Episode: #17.07 Helplessly Hoping (Grey's Anatomy). Later, when Ray and Nate blew a hole into the ship, Gideon informed them that the ship had lost control and that the team was screwed. 1 day ago. Gideon Legends of Tomorrow co-creator Marc Guggenheim explained that, part of the motivation for adding a Muslim superhero (Zari) to the series was the "political climate" in the US after the 2016 elections. When Ray, Leonard, and Professor Stein discover and invade Vostok's laboratory, Stein discovers a thermal core, several corpses, and photos which reveal attempts at making a Soviet Firestorm. Su apariencia holográfica es muy similar a la del sistema Gideon creado por Barry Allen en el futuro. Während er alle außer den verletzten Mick in anderen Zeiten unterbringt, versichert Gideon ihm, dass sie bis zum Ende bei ihm bleiben wird. After Rip Hunter "kills" Savage at a ritual in 1975, he orders Gideon to time-travel to 1986. [6] After Carter dies at the hands of Vandal Savage, Gideon identifies different rocks within Kendra's body that came to be the after-effects of the stabbing given by Savage to Kendra with the Amon Dagger. Im Jahr 2016 wird die Waverider im Meer von Oliver Queen und Nate Heywood aufgespürt, die Mick finden und auch Gideon wieder aktivieren. Gideon, nicknamed Gidget by Zari Tarazi,[1][2] is an interactive artificial consciousness programmed to operate the Waverider's critical systems and to aid Rip Hunter and the Legends on missions. Durch die Beschädigung der Waverider wird Gideon vorübergehend heruntergefahren und kann den Legends in der Zeit nicht beistehen. When the team returned to the Waverider with Aldus Boardman, Gideon told them Aldus had sustained severe internal injuries. Aufgrund dieser Fähigkeit weiß Gideon auch, dass Saras Träume häufig von einer Krankenschwester aus den 1950er handeln. [16], Gideon was the first to greet the bewildered Zari Tarazi when she boarded the Waverider, telling the young lady where she was. Sie manipulieren seine Erinnerungen und sorgen dafür, dass er die Legends für die Bösen hält.