European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Training 1903 Budapest Pf.314 Hungary. Center for Educational Policy Studies Journal Change: The Magazine of Higher Learning Changing English: Studies in Culture and Education Chemical Engineering Education Chemistry Education Research and Practice Child & Youth Care Forum Child Care in Practice Child Development Child Language Teaching and Therapy Childhood Education Children & Schools Children's Literature in Education … Covid-19 and Shopping Streets Nander Bras, Hans R.A. Koster, Cheng Keat Tang, Jos van Ommeren. More Publications. Shape the solution. It also links together researchers, politicians and economic players from all over Europe. Foreign Policy Initiative BH; Brazil. The Centre for European Agri-Environmental Studies (CEAS) has a long history of participating in policy debate in Europe and enhancing research of a European dimension. The Haifa Center for German and European Studies (HCGES) is a joint project of the University of Haifa and the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). Start your job search with the EurActiv JobSite, the leading platform for candidates and recruiters in Brussels and all over Europe for jobs in the EU Institutions, International Organisations, Consultancy, NGOs and Corporates in 12 categories. Being a Member of the Council for European Studies (CES) is testament to one’s professional dedication to the study of Europe and provides an unparalleled opportunity to support and influence the future of the field. Centre for European Policy Studies; Centre for the New Europe; Egmont; European Centre on the International Political Economy; European Policy Centre; Friends of Europe; International Crisis Group ; Itinera Institute; Liberales; Nova Civitas; Vlaamse Volksbeweging; Bosnia and Herzegovina. European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training. During testing times for Europe, we believe these challenges deserve the best of our intellectual efforts With more than 60 years of experience, the College of Europe through its Development Office provides professional services for and in cooperation with individuals, universities, public bodies, private companies and non-governmental organisations all over the world.. Over the past 20 years, HREA has reached more than 21,500 educators, human rights defenders, and humanitarian workers in 135 countries through our training programs and other capacity-building efforts. For full access, create an account. European Union website - EUROPA is the official EU website that provides access to information published by all EU institutions, agencies and bodies. The decisions we make and actions we engage in today will shape our future. Read more. A trăi, a lucra, a călători în UE . The … European policy cooperation Education and Training 2020 is a forum that allows EU Member States to cooperate in building best practices. E-learning centre of the European Patent Academy Browse freely through our training offer. The interview… BA, MA, MBA PhD Programs, E-Learning Programs, Certificate Programs The Center for Cultural Diplomacy Studies is the world's leading center for the study of cultural diplomacy, offering educational opportunities ranging from distance learning courses to master's and PhD programs. CES offers membership to both individuals and institutions. COVID-19 Vaccine's Gender Paradox Martial Foucault, Vincenzo Galasso, Vincent Pons, Paola Profeta. How should Europe respond? European Union - Official website of the European Union. By clicking ‘Accept’, you consent to the use of all cookies. ECDC Virtual Academy. In the interdisciplinary one-year (60 ECTS) 'Master of European Studies: Transnational and Global Perspectives' (MAES) we educate a global elite that understands Europe as a region of historical diversities as well as intense interactions across national boundaries and exchanges with the outside world. Informații despre dreptul fiecărui european de a locui, de a munci, de a călători și de a studia în alte țări din UE, inclusiv despre dreptul la servicii de asistență medicală și drepturile consumatorilor The idea for the originally-named Centre for European Agricultural Studies arose in 1971 in the School of Agricultural Economics, Wye College, University of London. In conversation with Tim Harford. The European Patent Academy offers … Please let us know all the ways you would like to hear from us: Email Index of Muslim Radicalization and De-Radicalization in Italy The purpose of this report is to create an Index of Islamic Radicalization in Italy and to find a theoretical model that can effectively fit this phenomenon dynamics. The European Union Institute for Security Studies (EUISS) is the Union’s agency dealing with the analysis of foreign, security and defence policy issues. Correspondence address. ECDPM-European Centre for Development Policy Management. A new report by the Centre for Policy Studies looks at the effects of the measure introduced by the Chancellor in response to the pandemic, and finds that after an initial sharp decline in sales between April-June 2020, the number of transactions incre . CSIS produces transcripts of selected events and multimedia. Learning Paths. Create an account . Macroeconomic Impacts and Policy Responses David Bloom, Michael Kuhn, Klaus Prettner. ; For more of our interactive analysis and micro-websites, see Web Projects or visit CSIS’s iDeas Lab. RCI was first published in 2010 as the result of a coordinated action between the Joint Research Centre and the Directorate-General for Regional Policy. The Centre for European Policy Research (CEPS) was founded in 1983 as a European think-tank in Brussels to deal with pressing issues of European policy. knowledge exchange and policy reform to support growth, jobs, equity and social inclusion within Europe More on the Erasmus+ programme; The European Solidarity Corps creates opportunities for young people to volunteer or work in projects in their own country or abroad that benefit communities and people around Europe. Working with Europe. A core feature of the Schuman Centre’s mission is to engage with the world of practice though high level policy dialogue and executive training. About Martens Centre . European Centre for International Political Economy (ECIPE) will use the information you provide on this form to be in touch with you and to provide updates and marketing. The index development Hi, we are the Wilfried Martens Centre for European Studies, the official think tank of the European People’s Party. The European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (CEDEFOP) helps to develop European VET policies. Are you prepared? Getting to know patents Learning Path 1 Learn more The value of patent documentation Learning Path 2 Learn more Patentability of new technological developments Learning Path 3 Learn more New. We use cookies to optimise your user experience and to analyse site usage. The European Union and its Member States have adopted a range of measures to support the digitalisation of education. As an independent institution, CEPS develops solutions based on the highest academic standards for current and future challenges in Europe. The Institute of European Studies (IES) is the hub for interdisciplinary research on Europe and transatlantic relations at the University of California, Berkeley. Through our work, we inspire ideas for action and shape responses to European challenges. Policy Dialogues in 2020. Event. A university-recognised research centre home to the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence. The Shift in Turkey’s Foreign Policy. Email address. Introduction Dr. Tsveta Petrova, faculty at the European Institute at Columbia University, discusses the much debated East/West divide in the European Union (EU) with Elizabeth Zolotukhina, Head of the North America Program at the Centre for Geopolitics and Security in Realism Studies (CGSRS). European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Training 1066 Budapest Ó utca 27 Hungary. The study starts from the observation that only about half of EU equity markets are classified as developed markets and are included in the most commonly used equity indices, such as those provided by MSCI and FTSE Russell. Discover our 2021 Digital Course Catalogue. Sofia Maria Satanakis, Katrin Süss: The Shift in Turkey's Foreign Policy, AIES Fokus 3/2021. It is also a key priority for several of the Europe 2020 Strategy flagship programmes, in particular the Agenda for New Skills and Jobs, Youth on the Move, the Digital Agenda and the Innovation Agenda. Open sidebar menu . policy priority across Europe. Home » Departments and Centres » Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies » Policy Dialogue. Founded in 2007, the mission of the HCGES is to inform students, researchers and the broader community about modern Germany. Telephone: +36 1 803 8030/8031. To reject non-necessary cookies, go to ‘Cookie settings’, close the window and click ‘Accept’. A Green Future for Europe Eurafrica: The Colonial Origins of the European Union ; Sign up for updates and to … Event. Learn more. European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control ... E-Learning for front-line managers on COVID-19 response to vulnerable populations (24 languages) ECDC Virtual Academy . Ambassador Christian Dussey, Director, the Geneva Centre for Security Policy Discover our Digital 2021 Course Catalogue. CEPS has recently completed a study for the European Commission’s DG FISMA on the feasibility of a CMU Equity Market Index Family. Don't fight the problem. Online micro learning activities on non-pharmaceutical countermeasures in relation to COVID-19 20 Feb 2020 - 30 Jun 2021. Wilfried Martens Centre for European Studies, Political Academy of the Austrian People's Party, Austria Institut für Europa- und Sicherheitspolitik: The Strategic Role of External Actors in the Western Balkans, Study December 2020 . CSIS publishes daily, independent, bipartisan analysis — search our analysis below. Cedefop’s key role in helping develop vocational education and training (VET) policies that will be crucial for the post-pandemic green, digital and fair recovery was highlighted by the Agency’s Executive Director, Jürgen Siebel, in two high-profile meetings, on 10 and 11 March. A network of over 1300 economists based across Europe Sign in or Register. European Commission has developed the Regional Competitiveness Index – RCI- which shows the strengths and weaknesses of each of the EU NUTS 2 regions. Fax: +36 1 803 8032